How to Buy Tron or any Crypto Coin in 6 Minutes!

How to Buy Tron or any Crypto Coin in 6 Minutes!

This quick tutorial will show you how to buy Crypto Currency (specifically Tron aka TRX), Crypto Coin, Alt-Coin or Token using Coinbase, Binance, and MyEtherWallet in 6 minutes. I walk you through setting up your first accounts on each site, purchasing etherium, transferring, trading for Tron and moving that Tron to your wallet.





Below is the transcript for the video.

This is Buying TRON or any Crypto Coin, Alt Coin or Token in 6 Minutes

We are going to walk through buying your favorite crypto coin and then moving them for safe storage into your personal crypto wallet

We buy a popular coin on Coinbase, then trade for what we want on Binance and store it for safe keeping in MyEtherWallet

Hopefully someday in the future this becomes easier and robots are ruling the world… kidding about that second part… mostly.

  1. STEPS:

    1. ZERO = Avoid getting caught up in the excitement or FOMO and do your research on what companies/currencies really interest you!

      1. NOTE: I’m not a financial adviser, I’ll be using Tron in my example, and I am using money I’m 100% OKAY WITH LOSING.

      2. I look at investing in cryptocurrency as gambling and I don’t expect to get anything back.


      1. Make sure that your currency is listed on binance. Check out to see where your coin is traded.


      1. COINBASE:

        1. Link in the description

        2. Enter your info

        3. Verify your email

        4. enter your phone number for security text messages

        5. Verify you phone

        6. Next, login to Coinbase

        7. Down at the bottom of the main page, click the add payment option

        8. I’d recommend the Credit Card option for small transfers because it’s instant, bank transfers can take days.

        9. Finally, enter your card info, then login to your credit card or bank account online (for me I’m using my Paypal credit card) and enter the amounts that were charged by CoinBase GB Cheapside

        10. You’ve now completed your CoinBase setup. Now let’s setup Binance.

      2. BINANCE

        1. Things are pretty much identical for registation.

        2. Click the referral link in the description of this vid

        3. Click register in the top right of the Binance site

        4. Enter your info

        5. Verify you’re not skynet… robot joke

        6. Verify email

        7. Choose your second layer of authentication, phone or google authenticator and you should be set.

      3. MyEtherWallet

        1. For this one, I recommend getting the chrome extension as it’s super nice and easy

        2. Once you add it on, click the icon in the top right of your browser and select Add Wallet

        3. Enter your wallet name and password

        4. After you create a wallet, click the eye to the right of it and login

        5. On the bottom right of the page, you’ll see token balances.

          1. This is where you’ll be adding less common crypto currencies.

          2. To add one you’ll need the address, token symbol and decimals for that currency.

          3. You can get this pretty easily by googling your currency.

          4. In the description you’ll see the one I’ve included for Tron.

        6. And now you’re wallets setup and everything is in place to begin you’re Trading.


      1. Coinbase currently allows you to purchase Bitcoin, BitCash, Etherium, or Litecoin with your bank account or credit card.

      2. For your first coin, I’d suggest Etherium because the transfers are faster and cheaper, but do what’s best for you.

      3. In Coinbase, Click the Buy/Sell tab at the top

      4. Make sure you have the lower Buy tab selected

      5. Select Etherium, your payment method and the amount you’d like to buy

      6. Confirm the purchase and you now own some Etherium!


      1. We will now transfer our new Etherium to Binance and trade it for Tron! Or whatever coin or token you desire.

      2. To do this first start in Binance and mouse over Funds and select Deposits / Withdrawls

      3. Then in the line for Etherium, click the deposit button and copy the address produced in the small text field

      4. Back in Coinbase, go to the Accounts tab and click the Send button for etherium.

      5. In the pop up, paste the address you just copied from Binance.

      6. Enter the amount you which to transfer or just click the Max button within the text field

      7. Click Continue and enter the sms code sent to your phone, then Confirm.

      8. When this is done, in the main Coinbase page at the bottom you will see your funds being transferred. For me it took about 10-15 minutes.

      9. In Binance, you can mouse over Funds and click History to see the transfer status.

      10. Once complete, you are ready for trading!


      1. In Binance, in the top left, mouse over Exchange and click Basic

      2. When you get to this page, you may feel overwhelmed by it. There’s only two sections you need be concerned with though.

      3. In the top right we see a list of possible exchanges we can made between currencies.

      4. Click the tiny ETH button there, it stands for etherium. Knowing that, you can guess what the others mean.

      5. Then below that, enter the coin you are looking to exchange for.

      6. Once you select it, the mid bottom section will update with your currency.

      7. No need to worry about what the tabs down there, just click 100% button to trade all your etherium for your desired coin and click Buy. And you’re done!

      8. This trade should be nearly instant and you can monitor the progress of the trade by scrolling down.-=-


      1. Finally, let’s transfer our tron to our Wallet.

      2. This will safely hold your coins or tokens privately until you’re ready to cash them out at a later time.

      3. This is a safegaurd against someone hacking your account on Binance, Binance going down or getting hacked, or whatever.

      4. Read the tutorial provided by MyEtherWallet for great info.

      5. So to transfer from Binance to our wallet, open you MyWallets page from the extension in the top right.

      6. Copy the address to your wallet

      7. Back in Binance, find your coin’s line and click the Withdraw button on it.

      8. There, paste your Wallet’s address in the text line and enter the amount you wish to transfer. Again, click max in the text field to easily transfer them all.

      9. Click Submit, enter you authentication info, and check your email for a final confirmation

      10. This transfer will took me 10-15 minutes.

      11. Again, you can monitor this transfer in you Funds > History section of Binance.

    1. CONGRATS ON YOUR FIRST CRYPTO PURCHASE! Welcome to the future!

I’m Tpayne from, share this with your friends and enemies, and keep the dream alive!



ADDRESS: 0xf230b790E05390FC8295F4d3F60332c93BEd42e2



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